The entire marketing and advertising world has changed their nuances and have gone from traditional mediums to the digital arena. There is no denying that with the far-fetched reach of the digital world, SEO content writing can reach the masses in ways that the traditional mediums just couldn’t offer.
Digital marketing and advertising are branches in themselves, and there are several aspects of getting it right. Those of you who are already closely associated with digital marketing can vouch for the fact that the actual litmus test to checking how apt your SEO content writing is is by analyzing the number of digital impressions it has garnered when posted online.
If you are someone who is still trying to understand the pulse of digital marketing and are still figuring out your way around SEO content writing, then you’ve reached the right place. We will try to get you started on the right track by giving you the Tricks of Trade to guide you on setting the right strategy.
Most people have a challenging time wrapping their heads around the finer nuances of SEO content writing. This also happens because they are not too clear about the concept in the first place.
Think of it as a librarian who holds a magnifying glass and goes through all the content line by line to read and understand it before sorting it into different categories.
SEO content writing is that very librarian who reads through all the digital content you put online and then displays it based on what the customer is looking for. This is why it is so important to stick to these golden rules of SEO content writing.
You need to answer a few questions as a business owner. Questions like, “how am I helping a customer?” “how do I make their life better” and “why should they choose me over others in the market”.
Getting the answers to all these questions will help market your SEO content writing in a way that proves a point. After all, the end agenda of investing in any marketing plan is to drive sales.
If your digital marketing strategy is not hitting the bullseye even with stellar content, there is something largely amiss. Most marketers make the mistake of just bombarding content on portals and sites with no prospective buyers.
An important thing to do before you start SEO content writing is to understand who your audience is. Once you have got the definite answer to this, you will be able to market at the right place and for the right people with the right content meant to woo them.
Do you remember playing a treasure hunt where you relied on clues to reach the actual treasure? To earn the jackpot of good returns for every digital marketing plan that you spend on, it is crucial to rely on the Google algorithm and feature the right keywords.
SEO content writing that is executed after looking for the right keywords that suit your brand and niche is writing that no search engine can ignore. Make sure you take the time and observe your competitors while deciding on which keywords to use.
If you look at Google, there are significant updates in how it perceives and ranks content. The latest update Google Panda 4.1 has made Google smarter. This means that it is like that whiz kid who devours long-form content.
If your content is short and less than 1000 words, the chances are pretty high that Google will not comprehend it. Pack your SEO content writing with as much information as possible because the longer the content, the better!
Most writers focus on writing the content and then stuff in the keywords. If you are following the same course, you should hear alarm bells! The right way is to source the right keywords and then form topics that can utilize them most aesthetically.
It’s time to break the cliche of writing content written to rank on the search engines. The nuances of SEO content writing have changed a lot, and with every update on the backend, Google demands content that is engaging and feeds the grey cells of the readers. Make this tip the Holy Grail of SEO content writing because it is all about quality, quality, and a little more quality.
The strict librarian behind the Google search engine hates copycats. It forbids any SEO content writing that is not unique and is merely copied. When writing content for any platform, the best policy is to make it well-researched content & authentic and keep away from any form of plagiarism.
It is one thing to take inspiration from a previously written piece and an entirely different thing just to reuse it as it is and publish it as yours. So keep the plagiarism at bay and stick to the original content.
The way two different websites build a network is by focusing on providing backlinks. One important tip for SEO content writing is to ensure that you link your websites to other high-performing websites that cater to a domain like yours.
Giving backlinks on reputed sites gives the readers an idea that your website and content are genuine and authentic, and this only helps improve your rank on the SERP.
Variety is the spice of life, and this is understandable when you see the masses present on possibly all the different social media platforms. It’s a neck-to-neck competition, and people are pulling out SEO content writing hacks that leave their audiences WOWed.
The best strategy is to be flexible and play around with the diversity of your content. Work on content that can be used on different platforms packaged in another way.
Out of sight doesn’t take long to go out of mind. It is imperative to know that today the customers have so many options to choose from, and as a brand, if you don’t put out regular SEO content writing, you will fade away. It is an absolute must to put out fresh and new content regularly because if you are irregular, you are as good as done.
The world of SEO content writing gives the best results, and there is no denying it. However, it is also ruthless because it will not be forgotten if you don’t get it right.
Ace your SEO by focusing on all these thumb rules, and believe us, your brand and content will RULE.